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Monday, October 22, 2012


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. 
-Audrey Hepburn

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to share my top beauty secret with you! It is...Drum roll please.....DINAIR AIRBRUSH MAKEUP!
I have to be honest. I was SO skeptical because of the price.  As a college student, I don't have an extra $200 laying around (unfortunately.)  However, I knew if I didn't buy it, I would be thinking "what if I had gotten that?" I hate that feeling!  So, I went with my gut and purchased it.  

Honestly, I am in LOVE with it!  It costs$ 229.75, but if you pay in full, $30 gets knocked off :)  I did get the Personal Pro set (which is the middle one)  There is one cheaper for $189.75.  That was has only 4 speeds.  So, I would recommend going with the Personal Pro kit!

The coverage is AMAZING!  You can adjust it as much as you like simply by how much product you put in the reservoir.  If you have acne or scarring, this is definitely a product that you should look into.  The foundation comes in two varieties--paramedical or glamour.  I have glamour.  The only difference is one is waterproof and is better for coverage of tattoos.  

For those more interested in the eye shadow side of the product, I LIKE it.  It's not a love just because I'm not used to how it feels.  It looks amazing (when it's applied correctly.) But, if you don't mind a heavier feeling shadow, this product would be amazing!

It is NOT a pain to clean.  It's very simple actually.  They have cleaner that comes with your purchase, and all you do is put some in the reservoir, pull the lever back using a rubber band and apply the cleaning caps.  When you are ready to use it, either go to the sink and spray it out or use a wash cloth to spray it out onto.  It's really not a complicated machine at all.  It's very simple and easy to use.  You DO NOT NEED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL TO USE THIS!  If you want to look beautiful and like your foundation was effortless, this is the product for you!  Try it out and leave a comment below on how much you LOVE yours :)

Here's the link to Dinair's Website:  www.airbrushmakeup.com

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